Ailments and Pain

(Caution: Graphic blood and guts depicted below)

Bruising and split lip after a car accident, for The Scent of Rain (Cornell DVC Festival) Directed by Rick Clinite. 2003.

Shotgun wound in the stomach for White Elephant (FSU), Director: Jacob Motz. 2006.

Bloodless candlestick wound (blood added later) for The Tragic Tale of a Piano Player (FSU), Director: Jacob Motz. 2006.

Knocked out with yet another candlestick for Lantern (FSU), Director: Chia-Yi Lin. 2005.

All-over bloodfest: Mafia victim, blood and broken knees for Santo's Worldwide Travel (FSU), Director: Danny Villa de Rey. 2005.

Experimentation with abrasions, a knife cut across the hand, and a vampire bite.
