Special FX Makeup Portfolio
Animal Makeup
Injury FX Makeup
Old Age Makeup
Youthful Makeup
Celebrity Impersonation Makeup
Geisha Makeup
Surrealist Painting Makeup
Other Makeup and Art Dept Projects
1940's hair and makeup for Internment (FSU), Director: Bryan Yokomi. 2006.
Superhero costumes for The Yard Sale of Dr. Destructo (FSU), Director: Erin Leong. 2006.
Dead body in bathtub with candlestick wound for The Tragic Tale of a Piano Player (FSU), Director: Jacob Motz. 2006.
Lantern made of human skin, including construction scenes, for Lantern (FSU), Director: Chia-Yi Lin. 2005.
Shotgun wound in the stomach for White Elephant (FSU), Director: Jacob Motz. 2006.
Mafia victim, blood and broken knee for Santo's Worldwide Travel (FSU), Director: Danny Villa de Rey. 2005.
Diseased dog, later dead, later flattened by a car, for Oswald's Last Day (FSU), Director: Nina Juliano. 2005.
Latex casts for bulging veins on an undead (drowned) man for Resurrectionist (FSU), Director: Susan Bell. 2005.
A black eye which slowly heals for Cake (FSU), Director: Jennifer Arzt. 2005
Dead body in a car trunk (blood, fake leg for slamming trunk) for Car Trouble (FSU), Director: Houston Hawkins. 2005.
Assistant for blood FX, including shards of glass in skin, for Phase 5 (Sundance 2003). 35mm film. Steakhaus Productions, 2003.
Fist fight bleeding, bruising, and black eye, Lost Cause, (Cornell Film Festival 2003), Director: Christina Won. 2003.
Car accident, bruising and bleeding. The Scent of Rain (Cornell DVC Festival 2003), Director: Rick Clinite, 2003
Punching fight and spontaneously bleeding nose, Last Entry (Cornell Film Festival 2003), 35mm film. Director: Andrew Baldwin. 2003.
Hair and aging makeup, from mother to grandmother. Una Güerita (Cornell Film Festival 2003), Director: Enrique Leal. 2003.
Halloween Gala, Stella’s Bar, Ithaca, NY. Celebrity look-alike, gore, aging, and other makeup. 2003.
Rocky Horror Picture Show, as performed by the Denton Drama Troupe, 2000-2004.
Contact gjd8 (at) cornell (dot) edu
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