An anonymous Ris-storyteller (Ristenure 1978-82) says:
Risley boogies were dances, usually in the area outside Ris-dining. We'd take over the balcony over that area, set up (usually my) stereo equipment cause I had monster speakers and a nice (vinyl) turntable (or 2 of someone would loan theirs). We also broke onto the roof of the tower one year and had a boogie up there (though that did get busted up by campus safety as we had used lockpicks to get up there). They replaced the locks, and we figured out a different way to get up there by removing a couple stairs from the metal staircase to the roof from underneath in one of the 6th floor closets. We actually had sleepovers under the stars up there a couple of times.
Myself and Michael were two of the original DJ's - we'd spin records, do various recreational substances, and everyone would dance till they couldn't any more. Frequent group gropes (see below) would happen after the boogies, lots of costumes and security wandering in and checking that no nipples were showing, etc.
We also used to do "group grope" time in Cowcliffes and that area during the late night hours. We'd take all the cushions off couches get lots of blankets, and just have piles of people lying around on each other, giving backrubs, again various states of dress and undress, etc. Did that during Parents' Weekend one year - much scandal ensued. Campus Safety tended to turn the other cheek, or just ignore us. Back then rec. chemicals were common on campus, drinking age was 18, Campus Safety didn't much care what you did as long as you weren't bothering anyone, trashing the place, or breaking serious laws.
Check out that red windmill.
Just walk under the windmill.
Turn to your left.
Enter RisDining.
Turn around.